Raindrop Therapy Reflexology
Raindrop Therapy is a technique that may be used as an enhancement to your reflexology treatment. High potency essential oils are applied to the spinal and other reflex points on the feet. This creates an energetic pathway that radiates impulses into all areas of the body. Energy flow is blocked by pain. The oils open a pathway to restore energy flow. The essential oils used on the feet are of therapeutic grade. Derived from plants, the healing nutrients and essence of the fluid within the plants carry high frequencies. When distilled, the life force energy of the plant becomes very potent.
Results should relax the muscles, soothe inflammation, ease respiration, support healthy immune system, assist detoxification, and bring deep relaxation.
Reflexology Raindrop Therapy was developed by Laurie Azzarella at reflex-oil-ogy.com
Sources of Toxicity
The Body is exposed to many toxic sources daily. Cell phones, cell towers, x-rays, GMO's, exhaust fumes, radon, synthetic fragrances, cleaners, pesticides, bacteria, viruses, fungus, and more. While exposure to these sources lower the frequency of the body, it can be restored with the use of the oils.
Reflexology is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. It is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for advice from your health care professional.